Your mornings just got better with Matcha

Matcha is your new best friend.

So What Exactly is Matcha?

We all know what green tea is, right?! So matcha is the fine talc-like powder made from specially grown green tea leaves. The green tea leaves that are used for matcha are shade-grown for 3-4 weeks prior to harvest.

Behind the shade, the green tea transforms, promoting chlorophyll, caffeine and amino acid production.

Once ready to harvest, only the finest leaves are hand-picked, laid out to dry, then de-stemmed and de-veined creating tencha - the tencha is then stone-ground to what we know as matcha. The grinding process is slow and considered in order to not get too warm and affect the final flavour - did you know, it can take up to 1 hour to grind 30 grams of matcha!

Why Ceremonial-Grade?

When it comes to matcha, the best way to explain quality is similar to wine. The quality comes down to where the tea leaves are grown, how they are grown and how they are then harvested and processed.

Our matcha has a sweet umami flavour and doesn’t require any added sweetness to drink. If you ever find a matcha powder that is cheap, you can bet that it is poor quality and the taste is bitter. You will also notice the colouring is quite brown/dull. The Rise Tea guarantees quality, taste and a green so vibrant in colour that you can’t resist.

What Else Makes Matcha Great?

L-Theanine is probably a word that keeps popping up when you read up on matcha - but just let us simplify it.
L-Theanine is known mainly for its anti-anxiety affects and when its combined with caffeine (naturally occurring together in matcha).The combination allows for a smooth energy increase without the jitters!

  1. Helps to promote a relaxed state

  2. Improves cognitive function and mental alertness

  3. Improves mood

  4. Supports healthy energy production throughout the day

Adding matcha to your morning is a powerful and effective way at implementing food as medicine - as nature is always right!

What Makes The Rise Tea Stand Out From The Pack?

Why choose The Rise Tea matcha?

The Rise Tea’s matcha only contains the young tea leaves, and nothing else.

We use traditional grinding techniques in a carefully-controlled environment, which greatly contributes in the conservation of the nutrients found in our matcha.

We are JAS/OCIA certified Organic, U-KOSHER, HALAL, 100% Vegan, NON-GMO and Gluten Free.

Our Matcha is grown in Uji/Kyoto & Kagoshima in Japan.

We guarantee premium quality and freshness.